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Harley contains polars helper methods that will make you more productive.

Checkout the full code documentation here.

Harley is also a great way to learn about polars best practices, like how to use plugins for custom functionality at speed.

Harley is a polars port of Harley's sister project, Quinn. Many of Quinn's original methods, written to extend pyspark, are trivial with the excellent polars API.

Harley is neither associated with motorbikes, nor the DC universe.

Getting started

In addition to reading the docs, you can pip install harley with:

python -m pip install harley


Want to contribute to Harley? You are more than welcome!

Anything that would improve your own polars development experience is a great candidate for a feature.

If you wish to write some rust via a polars plugin with your feature, Marco Gorelli's tutorial is a perfect place to start.

Code Style

We use sphinx as docstrings format. For more details about sphinx format see this tutorial. A short example of sphinx-formatted docstring is placed below:


:param [ParamName]: [ParamDescription], defaults to [DefaultParamVal]
:type [ParamName]: [ParamType](, optional)
:raises [ErrorType]: [ErrorDescription]
:return: [ReturnDescription]
:rtype: [ReturnType]